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Learn how to set up and install Loopdesk in this support article. You will be guided step by step through the different activities and you can also check at the end.


  • Loopdesk account

  • Website (for testing or directly live)

Note: You can install Loopdesk on your live site. The end user will not notice anything, because Loopdesk is only activated with the "feedback link".

Step 1: Create project

The first step is to create a project in Loopdesk. Navigate to the Dashboard. (Menu: Projects) Then click on the white plus at the bottom right or on the tile "Create a new project".

Project data

A pop-up window will open where you can enter an appropriate project name and an optional description.

Environment URL

On the right side you can enter environment URLs. These are for when you have, for example, a development page and a live page. However, you can also just enter a URL at "production" if you have only one instance of the page. Learn more about the environment URLs!

If you are in the "Free" plan, you have to confirm that the URLs are correct. They can not be changed again.


If you have subscribed to the "Loopdesk AGENCY" plan and created a team, you can optionally assign the project to the team if you want the members to have access to the project. Learn more about teams.

Click on "Create project".

Step 2: Integrate Loopdesk

You will be redirected to the dashboard after creating the project and the "Integration Tutorial" will open automatically. If the tutorial does not open, you can also click on "Start Tutorial".


Loopdesk offers several ways to integrate the required script into the website. With a click on "Integrate Loopdesk" you can see all available variants.

The most popular variant is the integration via script. The only thing you need to do is to add the following line of code at the end of your HTML document:

<script src="https://cdn.loopdesk.io/index.js" loopdesk="<your key>"></script>

But there are more templates how to include the script. For example, also one for nuxt.js, next.js or a wordpress plugin. Learn more about the integration possibilities.

Click "Next" in the integration tutorial.


You now have the option to test the integration. Note that the website must be deployed/installed/uploaded for this. You can also check this by opening the source code and searching for "loopdesk.io". If you get a hit, the script is successfully installed.

Loopdesk offers you a test that also checks if the integration is successfully included. Click on "Test [environment] integration". If you have added more than one environment, you have to click the right button.

There are occasional cases where the script is installed correctly and the test fails (If it is added asynchronously). In this case you can still continue without the test being successful.

Click on "Continue" in the integration tutorial.

Send link

Now that's all that needs to be done for the installation! Now it's time to send the feedback link to your customer to get feedback. For this you can copy the appropriate link (depending on the environment) and send it.

To get the overview of your feedback links, click on "Feedback Link" on the top right of the project overview. A popup with all possible links will open.

You can test the feedback links in "incognito mode" or "safe mode" of your browser.

You can now finish the tutorial and click on "Done".

Further steps

Congratulations, you have successfully integrated Loopdesk on your site!

The following are some of the next steps you can take if you need to:

  • Wait for feedback

  • Test the integration in your own browser

  • Add more environments according to the instructions (only for AGENCY or FREELANCER plan)