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This article is intended to give you a brief overview of the components of Loopdesk. This is to illustrate the system and briefly explain the details.

Loopdesk consists of three parts: a backend, an app and the customer tool. The backend is purely technical in nature and is therefore not discussed further in this article.

The App

The app (always used as terminology) is the web tool you use as a developer or freelancer to view and manage feedback. More information about the app. This is mainly designed for tech-savvy users and gives deep insight into the collected data (e.g. user agent, pixel dimensions and ).

It is not the purpose or intent of the app to invite the customer in the process. The chat conversation per feedback is internal to the developers. Clarifications regarding feedback should be done through other channels, as these are usually more established (e.g. mail or Trello). In the future, Loopdesk will also solve and simplify this problem.

A few features of the app:

  • You can create / edit / archive projects.

  • You can view / manage / edit / comment / loop feedback

  • You can group teams and share projects in them

  • You can set up and test the Loopdesk integration

  • You can export feedbacks

The customer tool

The customer tool is the interface that your customer can view on their website. More information about the customer tool. The customer tool is designed to be as simple and intuitive as possible, so that even less experienced users can use it. The options are very reduced to the maximum necessary minimum, so that not too many options distract from the task at hand: giving sound feedback.

The tool can be integrated via a single script and then activated via a "feedback link". This means that the tool can also be embedded on the productive page without the regular users noticing. Only with a "password" in the link feedback can be given.

A few features of the customer tool:

  • The customer can give feedback via feedback link without user account.

  • It is designed to be as easy to use as possible

  • The script can be safely embedded in the productive page

  • The customer tool has a dark mode 😎

This should give a short overview of the components. It's best if you just try it out! Either here on the site or you can make yourself a user account directly.